Anatomy of a Setback: How I Recovered from Migraines…Again

Even when you’ve recovered from migraines, things can go from bad to worse so easily. It’s frustrating. You’re cruising along, successfully avoiding all your triggers, finally enjoying life again. Then – BOOM – out of the blue your migraines come back, with vengeance. “What did I do wrong?” you pray to the migraine gods. They … Read more

Beat the Summer Heat with LyteShow Electrolyte Supplement

Summer can be a challenging time when you get migraines. Whether heat, humidity, bright sunlight, and volatile weather systems are among your migraine triggers or not, summer weather makes you more susceptible to migraines. It’s frustrating. You want to get out and enjoy the nice weather with your family and friends, but you’re not sure … Read more

EZ Water Controversy: Healing Elixer or Marketing Hoax?

You’ve heard far too often that dehydration causes migraines. All you need to do is drink more water and you’ll be fine. Yeah, right. Maybe someday there will be something that can actually cure migraines, but you’re not buying into the idea that it is water. Still, every day you see someone else preaching the … Read more

Dehydration and Migraines: What Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You

When you have chronic migraines, you hear over and over that you’re probably just dehydrated and need to drink more water. While that may be true in the beginning, after years of suffering, most of us drink lots of water and get migraines anyway. Still, dehydration and migraines are connected: The problem is that water alone does not resolve dehydration.

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