How Gut Microbes Affect Brain Health: What I Learned About Migraines Today

gut microbes affect brain health

Digestive disorders are one of the major causes of chronic disease. Poor digestion reduces your ability to absorb nutrients from food. It also depletes your immune system, because 3/4 of your immune response originates in the gut. The funny thing is, an important part of your digestive process has nothing to do with your own biochemistry: It is controlled … Read more

21 Herbal Alternatives for Targeted Migraine Treatment

Migraine is more than a collection of symptoms. Sure, you’re all too familiar with the overwhelming pain, the sensitivity to light and noise, the nausea, aches, and exhaustion. When you live with migraines, there are dozens of symptoms you may have to suffer at one time or another. So you go to the doctor for … Read more

Migraine Breakthrough: Dieting Cured My Migraines

My biggest migraine breakthrough came when I finally decided to lose weight once and for all. I had been about 50 pounds overweight for years, and failed numerous times with the starvation approach to dieting, which always made my migraines worse. In August of 2014 I started a strict, Paleo-style diet recommended by a friend. … Read more

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