The Migraine Miracle: A Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free, Ancestral Diet to Reduce Inflammation and Relieve Your Headaches for Good, by Dr. Josh Turknett
The revolutionary dietary cure that has worked for hundreds of patients: a diet low in wheat, sugar, and processed foods, and high in organic, protein-rich animal products. The book also explores the link between inflammation, diet, and migraines, and contains a 21-day meal plan to help readers change the way they eat.
The Migraine Brain: Your Breakthrough Guide to Fewer Headaches, Better Health, by Dr. Carolyn Bernstein
Dr. Bernstein presents the most up-to-date neurological findings on the prevention and treatment of migraines. Reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines, and learn how to prevent, curtail, and recover from them more quickly.
Heal Your Headache, by Dr. David Buchholz
Dr. Buchholz describes a 3 step process to reduce migraines by eliminating painkillers, getting control of your triggers, and building your migraine threshold.
Inflammation: The Disease We All Have by Dr. Igor Tabrizian
Dr. Tabrizian presents a generic model of disease based around the idea that chronic disease is caused by chronic inflammation. He describes how inflammation works, its role in the immune system, how inflammation can become chronic, and what can be done to mitigate the issue.
The UltraMind Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman
Dr. Hyman explains how the mind/body connection affects our health and creates chronic disease. He explains how we can correct the imbalances caused by nutritional deficiencies, allergens, infections, toxins, and stress, and achieve optimum health without drugs.
Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Dr. Fuhrman presents an in-depth review of disease-creating factors in the modern American diet. Dr. Fuhrman covers current research into the connection between diet and health, and provides a life-saving diet plan along with numerous recipes.